The only clinically proven lens for people living with migraine and light sensitivity

How Avulux Migraine & Light Sensitivity Lenses Work

The Avulux Migraine & Light Sensitivity Lens uses a patented nano-molecular technology to selectively filter harmful wavelengths of light while allowing soothing green light through.

Multi-Use Lens

Avulux lenses can be worn indoors and outdoors without causing chronic dark adaptation.


Avulux lenses are a safe complement to any migraine medication or medical device.

No Side Effects

Avulux lenses are clinically proven and may help people living with migraine by filtering harmful light, without any negative side effects.

Does Not Distort Color Perception

Avulux lenses do not distort color perception, so you can manage light comfortably without affecting your quality of life.

No Recurring Costs

Unlike migraine medication or other treatments that need to be replenished frequently, you won't face ongoing costs with Avulux lenses.

Effective, Comfortable, Everyday Use

Features Avulux Lenses Generic FL-41 Lenses
(TheraSpecs, Somnilight, etc.)
Generic Blue Light Glasses
Clinically Proven through a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.
Precision Tinted Lenses Multi-Band Single-Band
Natural Color Rendering (Does Not Distort How You Perceive Color) Some Brands
Filters Up to 90% of Harmful Blue Light Some Brands
Filters Up to 97% of Harmful Amber & Red light
Allows in Over 70% of Soothing Green Light While Filtering Harmful Light
Effective Light Management Indoors or Outdoors With the Same Lenses


Designed for People Living With Migraine & Photophobia

Selectively Filters Harmful Light

60-Day Returns

Flexible Payment Options

An Evolution in Migraine Eyecare

“We know the devastating impact that migraine can have. For those living with migraine, accessing the latest in precision light management is imperative - and that is the innovative technology found in Avulux Migraine & Light Sensitivity Lenses.”

-Dr. Bradley Katz, MD, PhD, Professor of Ophthalmology & Neurology University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics