Visualization showing how Avulux migraine glasses allow soothing green light in.


Avulux® is the Science

Avulux optical technology filters blue, amber, & red light, while letting soothing green light in, and may help people living with migraine.

Clinically Proven Migraine Glasses

Real World & Clinical Experience Shows

Find Daily Comfort

90% of Avulux wearers find that Avulux helps them through their days by effectively filtering light.

Shop Avulux Migraine Glasses
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Light Can be Painful

People with migraine & light sensitivity may find that Avulux helps them through their days as Avulux lenses filter up to 97% of harmful light.

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Avulux Light Filtration

Avulux lenses are effective in managing light as they precisely absorb harmful light before it enters your eyes.

Floating Avulux Migraine Lens

Advanced & Unique Optical Technology

Avulux Just Works

Up to 60% of migraine attacks are triggered by light.

Light overexcites melanopsin, a cell in your eye, and it can lead to migraine attacks and increased light-triggered pain. 

Avulux's patented precision lens technology filters up to 97% of the most harmful, migraine-triggering light (in the blue, amber, and red light spectrum), while allowing in over 70% of soothing green light.

Now, that's precise.

Dive Into The Science

Tested at the Highest Scientific Standard


Avulux is the only light sensitivity lens to ever be proven effective at this highest standard of clinical testing.

Use Avulux As Needed


Wear Avulux as soon as you feel any migraine symptoms or when you’re light sensitive.


Wear Avulux throughout your day or during any trigger activities like extended screen time or exposure to harsh light and glare.

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No Side Effects

Avulux is clinically proven and may help people living with migraine by filtering harmful light without any negative side effects.

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No Color Distortion

Avulux lenses were designed to be color neutral so you can find comfort without affecting your quality of life.

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No Time Away

Avulux is easy to use anywhere, and can be safely used as a complement to medical treatments, allowing you to spend your time doing what you love.  

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No Recurring Costs

One pair of Avulux glasses is enough to get you through your day.

If you're not satisfied with Avulux, we'll give you your money back.

Ready to Fight Migraine and Light Sensitivity?

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