Blue light isn't the only pain trigger behind your light sensitivity and eye strain. Harvard scientists recently found that blue, amber, and red light all increase migraine headache pain and they found that low intensity green light can help reduce pain.
The Avulux migraine & photophobia lens filters up to 97% of harmful blue, amber, and red light.
By preventing melanopsin, a cell at the retina in your eye, from becoming overexcited by exposure to certain light, it can prevent discomfort and/or reduce light related pain.
Wearing a dark tint can cause chronic dark adaptation, leading to more pain and irritation caused by bright lighting.
Avulux is balanced. It precisely filters light and allows in soothing light to help you manage the impact of light indoors & outdoors - without dark adaptation (Avulux also blocks UV rays).
If you find trouble spending time under harsh lighting or working in front of a screen due to pain and irritation caused by light, Avulux glasses can help (they can be comfortably worn indoors).
Avulux keeps your eyes, and your brain, calm and relaxed.
Avulux glasses are patented, clinically proven, and are the only glasses on the market to align with the most recent science on light and pain.