Woman wearing Avulux Migraine Glasses set against a dark background

Manage the Impact of Light on Your Life

Avulux Migraine & Light Sensitivity Lenses are the only clinically proven lenses that precisely filter light to help people living with migraine.

Try Avulux Glasses for 60 Days

Light & Pain

A Harvard study showed blue, amber, and red wavelengths of light can cause an increase in migraine intensity.

Up to 60% of migraine attacks are triggered by light.

Green light can be soothing.

We’re Here to Help

Floating Avulux Migraine Lens

Avulux: A Blue, Amber, & Red Blocker

Patented & Precise

Avulux’s physicians and engineers designed a lens that filters up to 97% of harmful blue, amber, and red light...

All while allowing soothing green light in.

Shop Avulux Glasses
Woman wearing migraine & light sensitivity glasses

Independent, double-blind, placebo-controlled, trial

The Highest Scientific Standard

Independent studies have shown that by precisely filtering light, Avulux Migraine & Light Sensitivity lenses may help people living with migraine.

Avulux is the only migraine lens to ever be proven effective at the highest standard of clinical testing.

How Avulux Works

Media Spotlight

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Avulux Changes Lives

Alicia Wolf Wearing Avulux Vox

Avulux Ambassador

Alicia Wolf aka The Dizzy Cook

Having battled chronic vestibular migraine for years, Alicia finally found her way back to doing the things she loves: cooking, enjoying time with her young family, and supporting others in the migraine community, one recipe at a time.

Alicia’s Avulux Story
Simone Playing in Perth with Voyager

Avulux Ambassador

Simone Dow

Simone lives with migraine light sensitivity and wears Avulux while performing on stage.

Simone is a rock star experiencing migraine symptoms triggered by light and noise – but determined to live the life she loves.

Simone’s Avulux Story

See What People Have to Say

Read All Reviews
Close-up portrait of Natalie wearing Lilu Avulux migraine glasses.

Natalie | mindfulmigraine.org

My Avulux glasses have helped to “turn down the volume” on my migraine light sensitivity and allow me to extend the amount of time I can spend in brightly lit spaces.

the_migraine_life avulux review

Amy | themigrainelife.com

I’ve tried lots of different migraine glasses but have never found any that have helped me, until now...

Divamumsteph avulux review

Steph | Steph Cullen Writes

I was able to carry out activities that are usually forbidden during migraine, such as read a book and watch television, use my phone and communicate with my family.

Avulux Migraine Glasses Review for ECP

Nikki | brainlessblogger.net

It's a profoundly different experience wearing Avulux. I loved my old FL-41 specs. Then you try Avulux, before or during a migraine, and your mind is just blown.

my migraine life avulux migraine relief and photophobia glasses

Sarah | mymigrainelife.net

Wearing Avulux as part of a healthy lifestyle allows me to cut back on medication. I’m so appreciative!

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