Avulux Migraine Light Sensitivity glasses for Military Veterans

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Avulux est couvert pour les vétérans

Heart with a USA flag inside

6,7 millions d’anciens combattants américains souffrent de migraines et de maux de tête invalidants. Avulux peut vous aider.


of veterans who have sevred suffer with migraine and disabling headaches.


of Avulux wearers share that wearing our lenses help them throug their days by effectively filtering light.


of veterans with PTSD had migraine, compared to 20% without PTSD.


of people living with migraine are constantly light sensitive, even when they're not having a migraine attack.

Woman Veteran

Si vous êtes un vétéran souffrant de migraine, vous n’êtes pas seul

La migraine est une maladie neurologique courante qui touche plus d’un milliard de personnes dans le monde. Cependant, les anciens combattants sont touchés de manière disproportionnée par la migraine. Environ 36 % des anciens combattants qui ont servi souffrent de migraines et de maux de tête invalidants ; environ le triple de celui du grand public.

Environ deux millions d’entre eux reçoivent des soins médicaux pour leurs maux de tête. Aux États-Unis, chaque jour, environ 150 000 personnes sont tellement affligées qu’elles ne peuvent pas quitter leur lit, et encore moins aller travailler.

Soldier Wearing Avulux

Migraine et impact sur les vétérans

Selon l’étude du ministère des Anciens Combattants, les anciens combattants souffrent de crises de migraine trois fois plus fréquemment que la population générale – un chiffre stupéfiant de 36 % des anciens combattants contre 12 % des non-anciens combattants.

La migraine est considérée comme l’une des raisons les plus courantes de renvoi pour raisons médicales de l’armée américaine. De plus, le Département américain de la Défense déclare que la migraine est la deuxième cause d’évacuation médicale suite aux guerres en Irak et en Afghanistan.

Parlez à votre fournisseur des lentilles Avulux.

Si votre fournisseur VA basse vision passe une commande en votre nom, les lentilles Avulux sont un avantage couvert.

Transmission curve chart comparing Avulux lenses against FL-41, blue light blockers, and sunglasses.

Comment fonctionne Avulux

Les lentilles Avulux contre la migraine et la sensibilité à la lumière filtrent avec précision jusqu'à 97 % des longueurs d'onde nocives de la lumière bleue, ambrée et rouge tout en laissant passer une lumière verte étroite et bénéfique et apaisante. Contrairement aux autres lentilles « migraine » ou « neurologiques »,

Avulux est cliniquement prouvé pour aider les personnes souffrant de migraine. Les lentilles Avulux le font sans déformer la perception des couleurs, tout en restant sûres à porter à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur.

Ce que les gens disent à propos d'Avulux

Avulux fonctionne si bien pour filtrer la lumière pour les personnes souffrant de migraine et de sensibilité à la lumière que nous sommes fiers de partager une note moyenne de 4,47.

Lire tous les avis
Sara's testimonial headshot


Over the moon happy with my purchase! I tried a few different brands first. I was hesitant to order these mostly because of the price, but after reading the science behind them and the money back guarantee, I thought it was worth a shot. Total game changer! I was diagnosed with Vestibular Migraines and PPPD over a year ago and have struggled with my eyes ever since. The glasses have been a huge help with fluorescent lighting and using my computer. I was an avid cyclist before my diagnosis and am just now starting to get back on the bike. My eyes continued to be a struggle while riding. Today, I gave these a try on my ride and it was absolutely AMAZING! Such a huge help. Made all the difference in the world. Can’t thank you enough Avulux for creating such a helpful product!!

Alex's testimonial headshot


Well, I have had migraines since my 20s. The kind that ruins your entire day, light sensitivity, nausea & often accompanied with vomiting. I just turned 50...and am still dealing. I use Imitrex Injections after trying Ibuprofen & Tylenol combo.
I work on my computer all day for work and am finding I can keep working having these glasses on. It definitely takes the edge off... They feel like a warm hug for my eyeballs. I've not had them for very long but had the less expensive versions they sell at the Optometrist. I love that they do not distort colors and the pair I selected is kind of spunky. :) If you have migraines you know you ll try anything for relief. I feel these definitely help. I am planning to send in my prescription bifocals to have the tint & lenses done when I need new glasses.

Amy D.'s testimonial headshot

Amy D.

Sent my own frames and my prescription in to get Avulux lenses. I am thoroughly pleased with the results. The first time I put them on, I felt my eyes relax. They are my every day glasses.

Ann P.'s testimonial headshot

Ann P.

I pondered this purchase for 2 years and then finally went for it and I’m so glad I did and wish I hadn’t waited. I love them so much I bought the clip on lenses to go over my readers and they work perfectly!

Aurelia L.'s testimonial headshot

Aurelia L.

I can honestly say I noticed a difference the first day I was wearing them. I was able to not only be in a relatively bright room, but also to go about daily tasks in the bright winter sun without issue. I've been wearing them every single day (regardless of how light or dull it is outside) and they've significantly helped me. 10/10. I'd recommend to anyone who suffers from light sensitivity and migraine, and wants to improve their quality of life.

Serena C.'s testimonial headshot

Serena C.

Life changing...I suffer with chronic migraine and suffer with light sensitivity every day... I have taken to wearing Avulux every day 90% of the day, I've been able to enjoy an evening bowling and playing arcade games with my partner, and not been overwhelmed with bright lights in supermarkets, or friends houses that have 'cool white' lighting.
I no longer have eye strain every evening after all the painful lighting and screens... An absolute essential part of my migraine toolkit that I wish I had years ago! I'm hopeful now that I'm armed with my glasses I can start to enjoy more things that were a definite no go before! I've also received many compliments on the appearance of the glasses!